
Our mission at DiPaolo Machine Tools Ltd. is to become your single source entity for all your machine tool needs. We deliver high value solutions with the integrity and commitment of our highly trained professionals. Our passion is to meet your most demanding machine tool challenges!

When we started our goal was simple: to form a team of dedicated professionals whose responsibility was to offer a comprehensive range of products and services, at an affordable price, while still maintaining a high standard of quality and precision for their machining needs.

That was, and still is our goal.
Welcome to DiPaolo Machine Tools Ltd.

DiPaolo and it’s employees have completed Controlled Goods Program Certification to be able to serve customers who require us to be authorized in examining, possessing or transferring controlled goods. Issued by the Department of Public Works and Government Services Canada, which vets our services to manufacturers in the defense and related high security industries in both Canada and the USA.